According to the lay press, 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.
This means that 75% of people are handicapping their health and weight loss just not neglecting to consume more water, but also 75% of people have an easy way to lose excess fat because dehydration can be one of the major causes of weight gain, this happens because being dehydrated will make you more hungry while simultaneously decreasing your metabolism and not allowing your body to naturally burn fat as effectively.
Most people know the importance of drinking more water, but did you know that drinking more water can actually be one of the easiest ways to lose weight?
Just by drinking more water throughout the day you will be indirectly burning fat while being more healthy and hydrated at the same time. Here are just a few reasons why drinking more water can help you lose 10 lbs.
Why water consumption matters…
- Water is a natural appetite suppressant
Water helps curb hunger and lower your appetite for snack foods in between meals. When your stomach senses that it is full, it sends messages to the brain to stop eating.
- Water takes calories for your body to process.
Research shows that drinking water itself burns calories
- Water is necessary for burning fat
The process of metabolizing fat is called lipolysis. The first step of this process is hydrolysis, which occurs when water molecules interact with triglycerides (fats) to create glycerol and fatty acids. Drinking enough water is essential for burning off fat from food and drink, as well as stored fat.
- Water helps with workouts
One of the most important parts of a weight loss program is exercise. When you are more hydrated your muscles will function better and you will be able to push harder during your workouts.
So as you can see water consumption is super important for maintaining overall health as well as a healthy weight. Below are a few helpful tips to help you drink more water throughout the day.
Water drinking best practices-
1. Start early
It’s best to jumpstart your hydration as soon as possible. Try keeping a room-temperature bottle or container of water on your nightstand the night before and chugging it right when you wake up!
2. Keep a dedicated water bottle
Most of the time we just get busy and forget, try getting a dedicated water bottle to keep within arm’s reach throughout the day.
3. Set a daily goal
Decide on a certain amount of water you plan on getting in in the day and track it. A good rule of thumb is to try to drink a gallon of water a day.
4. Stay consistent
Water consumption is one of those things that sounds good and everyone can agree is important, but much fewer people do it then
In Summary
There is no one “Fix All ” thing that will make you lose all the weight and immediately reach your goal, but implementing healthy habits like this will can make a huge difference in increasing your health and get you moving in the right direction towards your goal. It’s all about implementing healthier decisions over time that ultimately add up to physical freedom and fitness success.
For help implementing healthy strategies like these to transform your body, call this number to talk to one of our fitness professionals here: tel:9189063015 or book a free consultation in person with us here: Book Free Consultation